

Pop Up Flower Bouquet

Greeting Card

Give your significant other a bouquet
as big as your love!
It's always a good time
to send a smile.
Birthdays, Mother's Day, Easter, Valentine's Day & more. We have classic bouquets, unique modern gardens, festive holiday arrangements trees, and wreaths to add to your home decor, or send to friends and family.
Maintenance Free Flowers
Beautifullypackaged&ready to gift, flowers are shipped in a flat, ready-to-mail envelope for convenient gift giving. Envelope & Greeting, Card Envelopes match the arrangement and each includes a coordinating blank greeting.
Bring the beauty of the botanical world to a loved one in a more sustainable, and everlasting way. We donate one percent of sales and plant a tree for each bouquet sold.
A beautiful gift for birthday, friendship,
encouragement, sympathy, get well or thank you cards
Dear Dahlia

This bold and dramatic pop-up bouquet of Dear Dahlia displays a vibrant assortment of calla lilies, dahlias, and eucalyptus. Measuring 17" tall this is sure to make a 'Grand' impression to any lucky recipient.

Field of Daisies

Bountiful Daisies and Wildflowers symbolize freshly gathered in the foothills of Colorado are in full bloom with our latest paper bouquet. This charming pop up bouquet symbolizes friendship and new beginnings. Presented in a classic embossed vase, this bouquet is sure to bring a smile.

Red Roses

This classic pop up bouquet boasts a full dozen luscious Red Roses, with a sprinkling of Baby’s Breath for the perfect Valentine's Day card.Show your love to your sweeties, crushes, teachers, mothers, kiddos, and cuties with these timeless beauties.

Cherry Blossom

Meet Paper's Cherry Blossom bouquet: Elegant, chic, and timeless! Native to Japan, the soft pink sakura petals represent renewal and the wondrous beauty of nature. Unlike in the wild, this charming display will remain in bloom year round accompanied with an ornate paper vase.

English Daffodils

A pop up bouquet Daffodils is a delightful greeting card celebration of uplifting emotions and support. Daffodils are a hardy springtime flower that traditionally symbolize resilience and success.

Lilies & Lupines

Majestic Lilies, have long been a symbol of rebirth, are combined with stately Lupines, celebrating the optimism that leads to the discovery of new opportunities, to create a stunning mixed bouquet. A thoughtful gift that bestows warm wishes and encouragement for the future - sentiments that are as enduring as the bouquet itself.

Tropical Bloom

The Birds of Paradise in our Tropical Bloom bouquet represent flights of freedom and optimism. Mixed with vibrant blue Lotus blossoms, a symbol of rebirth, and the fragrant Plumeria, a Hawaiian symbol of hope, this whimsical and enduring bouquet evokes the promise of the future.

White Roses

Roses are not always red. And they don't have to wither either. Give this bouquet of gorgeous white roses and your loved one can enjoy this greeting card all year long.A graceful bouquet pop up White Roses is a thoughtful gift for the most special of occasions. Roses are a flower of emotion and these rare white blossoms symbolize purity and love.

Winter Joy

Celebrating the season of cheer and bestowing color to the long winter nights, our Winter Joy bouquet is sure to delight. Beautifully illustrated, life-like Amaryllis are accented with joyful holly branches, all “tied up” in a festive red ribbon. A welcome splash of beauty that embodies long-lasting warm tidings that will never fade!

Festive Tulips

Festive Tulips features a dazzling collection of pastel blooms that will radiate the essence of spring in your home. Tulips, the muse of many Dutch painters, symbolize new beginnings, elegance,
and unconditional love.

Spring break Sales

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Pop Up Flower Bouquet Greeting Card


Dear Dahlia A
Dear Dahlia B
English Daffodils
Red Roses
Field of Daisies
Cherry Blossom
Lilies & Lupines
Tropical Bloom
Winter Joy
Festive Tulips
Pink Tulips

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  • Includes: large bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
  • Measures approximately 14" high x 10.6" wide
  • For every bouquet sold, we will plant a tree for you
  • Flowers and envelopes are 100% recycled paper
  • Pulling out the bouquet will automatically pop open into a three-dimensional shape, which is unique and beautiful.
  • Material: specialty paper

Our goods are authentic, with genuine patents, counterfeit must be investigated!